Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute

Presenters for the Institute include a wide range of executives from the fields of healthcare, business, law, and banking.

Scholars are placed in high performing health systems for continued mentoring and leadership development.

Premier healthcare systems and individuals partner with the Institute to positively impact health outcomes.
Learn about our Scholars’ latest achievements and activities.
Click below to view a feature story produced by a Kansas City news station that recently aired focusing on the journeys and contributions of two of our scholars as they serve on the frontlines of healthcare amid the pandemic.

KC program creates opportunities for minorities in health care, despite COVID-19
With health care front and center – alongside a push for greater diversity as communities battle the COVID-19 pandemic – scholars from one Kansas City program are ready and committed to the cause.
Read story on

The Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute (BHLI) is a prestigious, intense professional development program designed to expose under represented scholars with exceptional leadership potential to today’s challenging healthcare landscape, creating a pipeline of talent to address health disparities.
Speakers for the BHLI include a wide range of healthcare professionals and executives from the nation’s top corporations.

John W. Bluford III is a nationally known healthcare innovator who has been recognized by Modern Healthcare and Becker’s Hospital Review as one of the Most Influential People in Healthcare.
American Hospital Association’s Award of Honor
In 2019, John W. Bluford was awarded the American Hospital Association’s Award of Honor for his leadership in professional workforce development, diversity, and health equity through the Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute. The award, presented at the AHA’s Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., is given to individuals or organizations in recognition of exemplary contributions to the health and well-being of our nation through leadership on major health policy or social initiatives.

The Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute (BHLI) is a prestigious, intense professional development program designed to expose under represented scholars with exceptional leadership potential to today’s challenging healthcare landscape, creating a pipeline of talent to address health disparities.
Speakers for the BHLI include a wide range of healthcare professionals and executives from the nation’s top corporations.

John W. Bluford III is a nationally known healthcare innovator who has been recognized by Modern Healthcare and Becker’s Hospital Review as one of the Most Influential People in Healthcare.
American Hospital Association’s Award of Honor
In 2019, John W. Bluford was awarded the American Hospital Association’s Award of Honor for his leadership in professional workforce development, diversity, and health equity through the Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute. The award, presented at the AHA’s Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., is given to individuals or organizations in recognition of exemplary contributions to the health and well-being of our nation through leadership on major health policy or social initiatives.

The Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute (BHLI) is a prestigious, intense professional development program designed to expose under represented scholars with exceptional leadership potential to today’s challenging healthcare landscape, creating a pipeline of talent to address health disparities.

Speakers for the BHLI include a wide range of healthcare professionals and executives from the nation’s top corporations.
John W. Bluford III is a nationally known healthcare innovator who has been recognized by Modern Healthcare and Becker’s Hospital Review as one of the Most Influential People in Healthcare.

American Hospital Association’s Award of Honor
In 2019, John W. Bluford was awarded the American Hospital Association’s Award of Honor for his leadership in professional workforce development and the elimination of healthcare disparities. The award, presented at the AHA’s Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., is given to individuals or organizations in recognition of exemplary contributions to the health and well-being of our nation through leadership on major health policy or social initiatives.